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“Abandoned at Sea”

Excellence in Human Interest Storytelling, honoring Ernie Pyle

The Wall Street Journal, 2022

Author(s): Joe Parkinson, Drew Hinshaw and Vipal Monga | The Wall Street Journal


The Wall Street Journal exposed a shipping system rife with abuse, fraud and dysfunction, in which unscrupulous owners exploit impoverished seafarers who transport most of the world’s trade. The series led to the rescue of sailors stranded on board. Some of those sailors were in serious need of medical care and had been neglected and abandoned by ship owners.

Honoring Ernie Pyle
Black and white photo of a man talking

During World War II, Ernie Pyle worked for Scripps-Howard as a journalist embedded with the troops he chronicled. Readers in America saw the war through Ernie’s eyes as he recounted in detail the dangers the soldiers experienced and the fears they felt while serving on the front line.