photo of Scripps building in Cincinnati


For questions about how to make a gift to the Fund, please email [email protected].
The Fund is grateful for the confidence in our work expressed by your contribution.
Click here for the Fund’s tax-exempt 501(c)(3) form. Our federal tax identification number is EIN–87-2877540.

Your donations help us:


people sitting


Support Journalism


Journalism is pivotal to the success of a nation.


Your donations enable us to support and develop journalists by:

  • Sponsoring nationally recognized journalism education programs
  • Providing undergraduate internships
  • Offering post-graduate fellowships
  • Hosting a prestigious award competition to honor established journalists and remind the public of the value journalism provides.

people sitting


Provide Books to At-Risk Kids


25 million children in the U.S. cannot read proficiently.*


We are committed to putting books into the hands of children in need across the country. Our “If You Give a Child a Book…” campaign aims to increase childhood literacy by:

  • Partnering with Title I schools to provide free bookfairs
  • Making targeted grants
  • Forming strategic partnerships and storytelling
  • Mobilizing communities around reading proficiency




Help Improve Local Communities


The E.W. Scripps Company believes we do well by doing good.


The Bob Scripps Community Fund has improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by supporting programs that drive change in communities served by Scripps stations, including:

  • Promoting education
  • Providing basic needs, including house and food
  • Funding youth services
  • Aiding community organizations


*Source: National Assessment of Educational Progress